SUMMER SCHOOL - Molecular Basis of Ageing: from mechanisms to diseases

Molecular Basis of Ageing: from mechanisms to diseases 4TH-6TH September 2023

Key hallmarks of aging have been described, over the past decades, at an increasingly detailed molecular and cellular resolution. Protein unfolding and genome alterations represent underlying mechanisms. As we age, the protein homeostasis system that normally prevents protein misfolding and aggregation of unstable proteins tends to become impaired, leading to the accumulation of protein deposits in different organs. On the other end, endogenous as well as exposure-induced DNA damage has been implicated as a contributing factor to physiological and pathological changes associated with aging.

This summer school, the first of a series promoted by the Department of Medicine of the University of Udine, will explore the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies in this research area with an emphasis on understanding the molecular basis of aging-linked processes, ranging from polypeptide self-organization processes, cellular and animal models to understand the etiology and mechanisms of human disease and the development of personalized strategies to delay and/or reduce genome damage associated with aging.

International leaders in the field will present cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion during and after each talk and fostering participation and informal interactions with students of all career stages. Each speaker will present a topic in their area of expertise both in a seminar and a technology lecture, emphasizing the relevance and contribution of biotechnology in the field. The summer school is three days long and held in the conference room of the Department of Medicine. Registration is free for all participants; 40 seats are reserved for students of Biotechnology and Molecular Biotechnology degrees, 30 for students of the School of Medicine, and 30 for PhD students of the Department of Medicine at Udine University. Seminars and lectures will also be offered in live streaming, with access provided upon registration. For registered participants, recorded talks will be accessible on demand for 2 weeks after the end of the event, unless indicated otherwise.

The following are the recordings of the speeches ordered according to the programme.
