ERASMUS + - EDEN -Embracing DEmeNtia

EDEN logo.jpgTitolo progetto: EDEN - Embracing DEmeNtia

Programma di finanziamento: ERASMUS + 2014-2020 Knowledge Alliances

Responsabile scientifico: prof.ssa Alvisa Palese

Collaboratori: dott.ssa Valentina Bressan

Ruolo del DAME: partner

Descrizione generale:

The EDEN project is motivated by the increasing number of people with dementia in the EU, and the need to have a common approach in Europe towards this important societal challenge. With an aging population and the risk of developing dementia increasing with a age, a significant rise in the number of elderly people with dementia is expected in the coming decades.

 The project aims to increase the demand and take-up through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies in that we take a broader perspective which include both professional caregivers, relatives and civil society and the interaction in the handling of dementia, which is the reason that the EDEN project is developed within the priority of adult education. Through this more holistic approach, EDEN will address the handling of dementia as fundamentally a cooperation between professional care providers, relatives and civil society in order to facilitate a better quality of life for the demented and relatives alike.

Partner del progetto:

  • University College Lillebaelt (DK)
  • Southern Denmark European Office (DK)
  • Stichting Health Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (NL)
  • Università degli Studi di Udine- Dipartimento di Area medica (ITA)
  • Fundación instituto Gerontológico Matia (E)
  • European Connected Health Alliance (UK).

Date inizio e fine progetto: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2021

Budget totale del progetto: 392.295,00€

Sito web:

