MY FIRST AIRC 2020 - Unveiling the role of Ape1 in regulating tumor cell resistance to chemotherapy through miRNAs processing in HCC and NSCL
Titolo progetto: MY FIRST AIRC 2020 - A druggable approach to modulate cancer epigenetics.
Programma di finanziamento: Bando AIRC 2020
Responsabile scientifico: dott. Eros Di Giorgio
Collaboratori: prof. Claudio Brancolini
Ruolo del DAME: proponente unico
Descrizione generale :
The incidence of Colorectal cancer /CRC) in Friuli-venezia Giulia, the region where the proponent will carry-on this project, is the highest in Italy. despite the progress achived in the treatment of primary CRC, only partial results have been obtained in the treatment of metatases.
Date inizio e fine progetto: 01.01.2021 - 01.04.2026
Budget totale del progetto: 474.944,80 €
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