immunocluster2.pngTitolo progetto: IMMUNOCLUSTER-2: Introduzione di uno studio clinico con il farmaco cellulare avanzato aHyC a livello interregionale

Programma di finanziamento: Interreg Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027, bando capitalizzazione 2022

Responsabile scientifico: prof. Francesco Curcio

Ruolo del DAME: partner

Descrizione generale:

IImmunoCluster-2 project addresses the strengthening of cross-border cooperation to improve the quality of life of the population. The general goal of the project is the initiation of a clinical trial for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) with cell-based vaccine (aHyC) at an interregional level, to create the possibility of providing personalized advanced cancer therapies in an accessible and affordable way for patients, develop and improve innovation capabilities, and enable the introduction of advanced technologies. Considering the existing situation, the project will promote innovation and improve technology transfer to SMEs, strengthen cooperation between innovative companies, research and healthcare institutions, and allow the capitalization of the results already achieved in the previous project INTERREG ITA-SLO 2014-2020 ImmunoCluster in a new integrated framework at regional level. The innovation of the ImmunoCluster-2 project affects several areas as it intends to adopt the innovative NANT technology (VivaBioCell bioreactor) in the production process of Celica's aHyC, validated in the previous ImmunoCluster project, which allows scaling-up the production of innovative aHyC vaccine in view of clinical trials at the interregional level. The combination of both innovations and cooperation between Slovenian and Italian hospitals and research institutions will enable patients in the region of INTERREG ITA-SLO program to have access to cutting-edge cancer therapy. The planned approach is based on the cooperation of two SMEs on both sides of the border, with their innovative products (aHyC and NANT Technology). On the Slovenian side, two public health institutions (Transfusion Center and Oncological Institute) will be involved in the project, for treatment with aHyC. On the Italian side, the Public hospital and the University of Udine will be involved, preparing the conditions for the inclusion of Italian patients in the clinical study.

Partner del progetto:

  • Celica Celica Biomedical (SLO)
  • Università degli studi di Udine (IT)
  • OI Oncology Inst. Ljubljana (SLO)
  • VBC VivaBioCell (IT)
  • ASUFC Breast Cancer (IT)
  • ZTM Blood Transfusion (SLO)


Date inizio e fine progetto:01/09/2023 – 31/08/2025

Budget totale del progetto: 91.042,00 €

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