ERASMUS + - PropCare - Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare

procare-logo.pngTitolo progetto: ProCare - Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare

Programma di finanziamento: ERASMUS + 2014-2020 Knowledge Alliances

Responsabile scientifico: prof.ssa Alvisa Palese

Collaboratori: dott.ssa Lucia Cadorin

Ruolo del DAME: partner

Descrizione generale:

In contemporary healthcare, nurses need to be users and generators of evidence to underpin their practice. As users of evidence they need to be able to locate evidence and critically appraise it. As generators of evidence nurses need to be able to research their own practice and translate those findings into practice.

The overall aim of this project is to raise the profile of research in nursing by increasing both research capacity and capability and to enhance cooperation between higher education institution and hospitals. This has the ultimate aim to provide care to patients and families consistent with the best available evidence thereby improving patient outcomes (CMFT 2009).

This project addresses two complex issues: the lack of research knowledge among RNs and poor research alliance between hospitals and HEIs. The project consortium consists of hospitals and HEIs that will address these issues jointly. The profile of research in nursing will be raised by increasing both research capacity and capability.

Partner del progetto:

  • Facoltà di Nursing Jesenice (SLO) come coordinatore
  • Università di Udine (ITA)
  • Università di Alicante (E),
  • Università di Limerick (IRL),
  • Università delle Scienze Organizzative - Informatiche di Maribor (SLO),
  • Ospedale di Jesenice (SLO)
  • Clinica Vistahermosa (E).

Date inizio e fine progetto: 01.11.2018 – 31.10.2021

Budget totale del progetto:988.983,00€

Sito web:


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Video di presentazione dei risultati preliminari del progetto nel corso del secondo Congresso nazionale FNOPI (Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini Professioni Infermieristiche) svoltosi a Udine il 10 luglio 2021