PRIN2022 - An indole-based conductive biocompatible adhesive to promote charge transfer among nerve structures

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Titolo progetto: PRIN2022 - An indole-based conductive biocompatible adhesive to promote charge transfer among nerve structures.

Programma di finanziamento: PRIN 2022

Responsabile scientifico: prof.ssa Fulvia Ortolani

Ruolo del DAME: partner

Descrizione generale:

Current attempts to reconnect nerve structures or to integrate neural bioelectronic interfaces still fail to optimally restore input conduction due to poor tissue adherence. This issue has the highest clinical relevance in the restoration of pulse conduction along peripheral nerves after neuropathies, which cause major disabling consequences in numerous persons, with a profound socioeconomic impact on their quality of life and productivity. The current proposal aims at designing an innovative conductive and adhesive biomaterial that reduces the distance between disconnected nervous structures or between electronic interfaces and neural tissues, thus restoring optimal charge transfer. Our hypothesis is that signal conduction can be facilitated by exploiting nontoxic Knoevenagel type indole (KtI) derivatives with highly delocalized electrons, dispersed in original biocompatible adhesives formulated ad hoc. Electrophysiological in vitro recordings and behavioral assessments will be used to validate the new conductive and adhesive biomaterials. So far, 31 preliminary in vitro and in vivo experiments provided a proof of concept about the restoration of signals across transected nerves using the conductive adhesive implant and suggested its adoption to integrate electronics with neural tissues. The innovations proposed in this study are expected to potentially increase the recovery of input conduction to physiological levels. The project will last for 24 months and capitalize on the continuous interaction among six internationally recognized research teams at SISSA, UniUd and UniGe, combining unique and complementary expertise on chemical synthesis and formulation, electrophysiology and behavioral analysis, electrochemical and mechanical characterization, histological analysis, and biocompatibility assays. To further exploit the collaboration, the project will enroll at least four young researchers, who will perform their activity among all laboratories, providing the one-of-a-kind opportunity to shape their early career around composite skills and environments. This study might provide pivotal knowledge and insights about neurophysiology, medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, and revolutionize the clinical treatment of neuropathies. Findings can spur great advancements in research and will potentially suggest a clinical study for the recovery of functions after a lesion to peripheral nerves. The proposal should lead to the patenting of the first conductive adhesive biomaterials to be proposed to national and international biomedical companies involved in the growing market of surgical sealants. Results will be disseminated through publications in open access peer-reviewed journals, presentations to National and International meetings and conferences, outreach activities and public events, scientific blogs and websites, as well as mass media interviews.

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Partner del progetto:                                                                                

  • Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste
  • Università degli Studi di Genova
  • Università degli Studi di Udine

Date inizio e fine progetto: 12.10.2023 – 12.10.2025

Budget totale del progetto: 81.863,00€

Sito web: 

Finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU