PREDIzione Tumori Tiroidei

logoPREDITT-small_0.pngTitolo progetto: PREDIzione Tumori Tiroidei - Nuovi approcci predittivi
per il management del tumore tiroideo

Programma di finanziamento: POR FESR 2014-2020 FVG - progetti strategici

Responsabile scientifico: prof. Giuseppe Damante

Collaboratori: dott.ssa Federica Baldan

Ruolo del DAME: partner

Descrizione generale:

Major aim of this project is to develop an innovative integrated system to improve thyroid tumors management. Specifically, in a pre-surgical step, procedures planned in this project, based on NGS, will allow a better evaluation of tumor aggressiveness and will aid in suggest the type of surgical intervention required; post-surgery, the tumor response towards antineoplastic compounds will be analyzed with 3D cell cultures in order to select the most appropriate therapy for the single tumor sample.

Therefore, the project is highly focused on “precision medicine”, which is based on the adaptability of the therapeutic approach to the patient-specific disease characteristics.

Partner del progetto:

  • LP – AB Analitica Srl
  • PP – Biofuture Srl
  • PP – Università degli Studi di Udine – DAME


Date inizio e fine progetto: 14.11.2018 – 13.02.2021

Budget totale del progetto:472.294,30€

Sito web:

Contatti: Giuseppe Damante
