Study of the amyloidogenic conversion of V30M, S52P and V122I transthyretin variants by real-time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: elucidation of the molecular mechanisms leading to different ATTR amyloidosis severity and different drug response.

Titolo progetto: Study of the amyloidogenic conversion of V30M, S52P and V122I transthyretin variants by real-time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: elucidation of the molecular mechanisms leading to different ATTR amyloidosis severity and different drug response.

Programma di finanziamento: Fondazione Telethon, bando “Multiround 21-24 – Round 1 2022 Track Basic

Responsabile scientifico: prof.ssa Alessandra Corazza

Ruolo del DAME: coordinatore

Descrizione generale:

Use solution NMR to shed light on the structural aspects responsible for the different stability and aggregation propensity of V30M-, S52P- and V122I- TTR compared to WT-TTR and to prove how the discovered hot spots are reverted by mono- and bivalent stabilizers.

Partner del progetto: 

  • Università degli Studi di Udine
  • Università di Pavia-Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare
  • University College London – Division of Medicine, Centre for Amyloidosis

Date inizio e fine progetto: 01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026

Budget totale del progetto: 154.000,00€
